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Drip Roasters

Guatemala T'xayalaj Espresso

Guatemala T'xayalaj Espresso

Regular price CHF 15.00
Regular price Sale price CHF 15.00
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The coffee we ship is usually roasted within the last two weeks.

A creamy coffee, T'xayalaj has notes of berries, a nougat-like sweetness and an intense chocolatey aroma. With milk, it almost reminds us of drinking a hot chocolate at times. Combined with the beautiful wild strawberry and raspberry notes, expect a wonderfully balanced and very sweet cup of coffee.

We bought the same coffee for the last four years and roasted it both for filter and espresso before. Since we bought Maria's whole harvest this year and because we liked this coffee both for filter and espresso, we decided to make two separate roast profiles for both brewing methods this year. You can find the filter roast as a separate product.

Process: Washed
Varieties/Cultivars: Caturra, Catuai, Typica
Altitude: 1660-1725 masl, 15.7°N
Cup Profile: Milk Chocolate, Strawberry, Yogurt

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Price Transparency

We paid an FOB price of $3.6/lb for this coffee, which is 180% of the Fairtrade minimum price.
Learn more about what this means here.


Farm: T’xayalaj
Producer: Maria Perez Morales
Purchasing relationship: 4 years
Region: Aldea San Marcos, Jacaltenango, Huehuetenango
Altitude: 1660-1725 masl, 15.7°N

T'xayalaj is the name of the farm Maria Perez Morales and her husband Diego bought about fourteen years ago to grow coffee. Maria mostly runs the farm herself and with the support of her family, her husband works abroad. However, their children have developed an interest in coffee as well and they care about their land. It's likely they will take over the farm when the time comes.

Maria has learned a lot about producing coffee since she bought the farm and has gained valuable experience since. Thanks to her hard work and will, she was able to produce a high-quality specialty coffee for the third consecutive year. The farm is quite small and we are glad that we managed to buy Maria's whole harvest this year.

Primavera Green Coffee

We have been buying coffees from Guatemala in collaboration with Primavera Coffee for five years. In fact, they have been among the first couple of companies we worked with to source coffee at all. A women-led company that is on the ground in Guatemala every day, Primavera works with a small-ish number of coffee producers with a focus on female producers.

Their founder Nadine comes from a family with four generations of coffee growers in Guatemala, and she started Primavera to honor this legacy. By building and fostering relationships between roasters and producers, helping with logistics and financing and with their expertise, they facilitate a more direct and transparent trade, with sustainability at the forefront of everything they do. Thanks to transparent and traceable value chains, it is possible that producers are well-rewarded for their efforts and their enthusiasm.

Originally working exclusively with Guatemalan coffee producers, they expanded their operations to include new origins, featuring more coffees that represent their values of sustainability and outstanding quality

Brew Recommendation

20g in/42g out, aim for roughly 28 seconds
for a rich and sweet double espresso
grind on a medium grind setting in the light-roasted espresso range