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Drip Roasters

Ethiopia Worka

Ethiopia Worka

Regular price CHF 17.00
Regular price Sale price CHF 17.00
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The coffee we ship is usually roasted within the last two weeks.

This coffee is very fruity with notes of peach and all sorts of berries, especially dark ones. It is sweet and creamy with a lingering aftertaste, a complex elegance and a unique aroma.

Grown and processed according to Fairtrade and organic standards, the coffee of the native varieties Kudhume, Wolisho and Dega is sorted by hand and then sun-dried. The drying process can take up to 30 days. To protect it from rain and too much heat, the coffee is covered overnight as well as during the hottest hours of the day. Once it is dried sufficiently, it is taken to Addis Ababa, where it goes through various quality checks before it´s exported and then reaches Europe by way of Djibouti.

Process: Natural
Varieties/Cultivars: Dega, Kudhume, Wolisho
Altitude: 1700-2200 masl, 5.9°N
Cup Profile: Peach, Melon, Blueberry

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Price Transparency

We paid an FOB price of $3.54/lb for this coffee, which is 177% of the Fairtrade minimum price. Find out what this means here.

Worka Cooperative

Producer: Worka Cooperative
Purchasing relationship: 4 years
Region: Worka, Gedeb, Gedeo
Altitude: 1700-2200 masl, 5.9°N

The Gedeo people, who live in parts of this region in the south of Ethiopia, have long been linked to coffee production in Yirgacheffe. Coffee has been growing there since the beginning of time. The Worka Cooperative and its washing station were founded in 2006 when part of the Kochere district was turned into the newly-created Gedeb district. Within a relatively short time, the cooperative has gained a lot of respect and attention among coffee roasters and consumers. It unites over 1´700 smallholder coffee farmers, who grow coffee on more than 600 hectares in total. The cooperative has been part of the Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (YCFCU) since 2010.

Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union

The YCFCU acts as a trader for its member cooperatives and takes care of sales and marketing. It further invests in building projects in the community, such as schools or bridges to link isolated areas, and organizes workshops and meetings for its members. All cooperatives that are part of the YCFCU are located in the Gedeo Zone in southern Ethiopia.

We have bought a number of different coffees from the YCFCU in the past, all of which were of great quality. We stuck with natural from the Worka Cooperative, which has been an all-time staff and customer favorite.


One of the most famous countries that grow coffee – if not the most famous one, Ethiopia is known as the origin of coffee. It is Africa's second most populous country and one of the biggest economies of East Africa. It has a rich and long history of coffee tradition, both in regards to production as well as consumption.

Ethiopian coffees have a special place in many specialty coffee enthusiast's heart. Though many coffee drinkers may have a specific coffee or region in mind when they think of Ethiopia, the country offers a wide range of different flavor profiles.

It is common for Ethiopian coffee producers to only tend to a very small amount of coffee plants. These smallholder farmers do not usually process their coffee themselves. Instead, the harvested cherries are brought and sold to a processing facility, such as a washing station. These are often run by the companies who export the coffee. However, in recent years it has become a little bit more common to find single-farm coffees from Ethiopia, too, such as our Buku Abel. As is common in many other growing countries, these coffees come from a single farm, which carries out the processing on site.

As Ethiopia is a land-locked country, the most common trade route of Ethiopian coffees is through the port of Djibouti.

Brew Recommendation

Brew ratio: 1:2.3
Coffee: 20g in / 60g out
Extraction time: 27s