Basic Espresso Recipe

You bought a new espresso roast and you need to start somewhere. This is what we often use as a starting point when brewing a coffee we have not brewed as an espresso before or in a while. Play around with your grind setting, extraction time and dose, as well as your coffee-water ratio.

extraction time: 25-32s
ground coffee: 19g
double espresso weight: 47.5g
coffee-water ratio: 1:2.5

  1. Grind your coffee at a pretty fine grind setting.
  2. Dose 19g of finely ground specialty coffee into your basket, distribute evenly and tamp.
  3. Time around 30 seconds. Start timer when you push the button on your machine.
  4. Yield two shots with a total weight of 47.5g. Adjust grind if shots are longer/shorter.

We recommend to start experimenting with the extraction time and grind setting first and when you have found a pretty good combination, make slight adjustments to the dose and/or ratio if needed.