Simple V60 Hand Drip

When brewing a new coffee with the v60 hand drip method, we often start with this basic and very simple brew recipe and adapt it if needed. Adjust this recipe depending on the coffee you use and adjust according to your preferences.

extraction time: 2:30-3:00
ground coffee: 15g
water at 93°c: 250g
coffee-water ratio: 1:16.7

  1. Grind 15g of specialty coffee at a medium-coarse grind setting
  2. Rinse paper filter with hot water and dispose of in the sink
  3. Add the coffee to the filter
  4. Start a timer and pour 50g of water, stir slightly with a spoon
  5. After 30s, pour another 100g of water
  6. When the coffee bed is almost dry, pour the last 100g of water (if you prefer to go by time, pour at around 1:20)
  7. Slightly swirl the dripper

Your total brew time should be around 2:30 to 3:00. Adjust grind if brew is faster/slower.

Try to pour evenly and circle slowly and avoid pouring water over the paper filter to prevent water bypassing without extracting the coffee. So always aim for the coffee that's in the filter rather than the paper filter itself.

Variation: Instead of pouring in three pours as described above, we often pour in five pours of 50g each, always starting the next pour whenever the coffee bed is almost dry.