Producer: 24 Communities in Frailesca
Purchasing relationship: 1 years
Region: Frailesca + Sierra Mariscal, Chiapas
Altitude: 1200-1800 masl, 15.9°N
The region has favourable microclimates of the El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, which benefits local biodiversity and the economy. The coffee farms are situated between 1'200 and 1'800 masl and are developed in polycultures that offer significant environmental, social, and economic benefits.
The region is known for its massive coffee production, which attracts many buyers who offer low prices to farmers. Since many don't know anyone who will buy their coffee at higher prices, they are left without choice to sell it at whatever price they are offered. Selling to Ensambles, our partner in Mexico, farmers get paid a better price.
As in so many other regions producing coffee, this area experiences shortages of labor during harvest times, which has become an increasing problem. Besides, poor road conditions and infrastructure make coffee transport difficult, forcing producers to repair the roads themselves.